We extend gratitude to our sponsors and exhibitors for their generous support of the upcoming OHBM 2025 Annual Meeting in Brisbane, Australia! We encourage all attendees to discover their innovative solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and collaborative opportunities.

Click the button to view the 2025 Prospectus:

 Each of the following companies and organizations contribute to the success of this event.


Aperture Neuro

BEDA - Brisbane Economic Development Agency

NITRC - NeuroImaging Tools & Resources Collaboratory

University of California, Los Angeles - Neuro Stats Bootcamp

We invite all attendees and participants to explore the innovative solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and collaborative opportunities presented by our exhibitors and sponsors.

The Organization for Human Brain Mapping would like to express its gratitude to the Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA) and Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) for their generous support of the OHBM 2025 Annual Meeting. Their commitment to fostering scientific exchange and collaboration has been instrumental in shaping the success of our upcoming event.

Questions? Please contact Katie (Million) Johnson (OHBM Partnership Engagement & Operations Manager) at: kjohnson@humanbrainmapping.org
