Diversity & Inclusivity Champion Award

The Organization for Human Brain Mapping has established this Diversity & Inclusivity Champion Award in recognition of members who have made significant contributions to increasing diversity and inclusivity within the field of human brain mapping.

Award Criteria:

  1. Be a member of OHBM (open to both junior and senior members of the Society) who has exemplified deliberate efforts to mentor members from underrepresented groups within the brain mapping community (peers, students, postdocs and junior faculty).
  2. Has demonstrated results for activities that advocated for and advanced diversity and inclusivity in OHBM and the field generally.


  1. A brief statement (1000 words or less).
  2. A short biographical statement (no more than two pages).
  3. A short list of past and current trainees and mentees.
  4. At least 1 letter of support from an OHBM member.

Award Nominations for the 2025 Annual Meeting have closed. Winners will be announced in Brisbane, Australia.

Questions? Please direct them to the OHBM Executive Office at info@humanbrainmapping.org.

Past OHBM Diversity & Inclusivity Champion Award Recipients include:

2024: Seoul, Korea
Rosanna Olsen, Canada

2023: Montreal, Canada
Ruchika Prakash, United States

2022: Glasgow, Scotland
AmanPreet Badhwar, Canada

2021: OHBM Virtual II
Lucina Uddin, United States
