We are once again partnering with Fourwaves in 2023 which will allow current members of OHBM to view meeting content, including pre-recorded Symposia, Oral Sessions, Roundtables and Keynote lectures. Content will be published on the day it is presented in Montreal. Please renew your membership to begin! Please note: OHBM is not live streaming or recording content onsite.


Please stop at the Speaker Ready Room onsite in 514C for technical assistance ahead of your presentation.


  • Saturday, July 22: 7:00-17:30
  • Sunday, July 23: 7:00-17:00
  • Monday, July 24: 7:00-17:30
  • Tuesday, July 25: 7:00-17:30
  • Wednesday, July 26: 7:00-15:00

Moderators will receive instruction on how to facilitate Q&A through the mobile app and Conferences.io with our technical team in the Speaker Ready Room. The instructions may be reviewed in advance here.

Download the OHBM 2023 Mobile App:

The OHBM 2023 Mobile App, powered by EventLink and created by Core-Apps LLC is now available for iPhone and Android (native application), Blackberry (a hybrid web-based app) and a web-based version of the application is available for all other web browser-enabled phones. The OHBM mobile app will be continually updated during the week so please accept the updates for the most current information.

Please use this link (https://www.core-apps.com/dl/ohbm2023) to download the app on your iPhone, Android or web-based device or scan the QR code below:

You can also visit your App Store or Google Play and search for “OHBM Annual Meeting”. For all other phone types, click the link above and select the “Web Planner” option. Bookmark the page for future reference.


Once you’re in the app, you can easily search for what you’re looking for by clicking on the different icons and using the search bar located at the top of your screen. Customize your searches using helpful search operators:

  • AND - search for items that contain both terms (“Connectivity AND Analysis Methods”)
  • NOT - exclude results containing terms (Connectivity NOT Analysis Methods”)
  • OR - search for items that contain at least one of your terms (Connectivity OR Analysis Methods”)

**NOTE: If you receive any type of “error” message once you are in the OHBM Annual Meeting app, please delete the app from your smart device and reinstall. This is a known issue and we are working with the Core-Apps team to resolve it as soon as possible.

QUESTIONS? Please contact info@humanbrainmapping.org
