2025 Caregiver Grant Application

Deadline: Monday, March 31st by 11:59pm EST, USA

Grants of up to $500 are available for the OHBM 2025 Annual Meeting attendees who are bringing children to the meeting or who incur extra expenses for caregiving during the meeting. Expenses incurred at the Annual Meeting must be documented by receipts. In the event that the number of requests for grants exceeds the funding available, preference will be given to applicants in the early stages of their careers.

First Name *
Last Name *
Institution *
Phone *
Email *
Career Status (please check one) *

Please write a short paragraph stating your reimbursable expenses. Please be specific as possible (number of dependents, number of hours needed, type of care needed, estimated cost, etc.). Reimbursable expenses include: Childcare expenses at the site of the meeting, extra child/dependent care expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver was attending the meeting (such as overtime at a childcare center, cost of a sitter, etc.), or expenses incurred in bringing a caregiver and/or dependent. Receipts/invoices will be required for all expenses.

Details of Expenses *

How much do you expect to spend on additional caregiving costs associated with meeting attendance?

Estimated Expenses *
Please describe other sources of funding (self, or institutional) that may be available to you to support caregiving during the OHBM meeting. Are you currently experiencing any financial challenges that you wish to disclose?

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